This is a page about our personnel, click on a profile to see an introduction and a photo journal from this staff member.
Owner, Outfitter, Guide
I was born into a hunting atmosphere, my dad was an avid hunter, a hound man and an all around outdoors man, he has also guided for a living at different times so I was immediately immersed in the hunting lifestyle. I have lived in northern Idaho all of my life and hunted here for most of it, other than the first three years, so I have been collecting experience for over 35 years now, the first few years I was nothing more than an observer but none the less I was out there.
Jacob is a native of Clark Fork with bright blue eyes and a warm smile who has managed to make a living here in this fairly depressed little town and I suspect he will continue to do so for the rest of his life. He has the abilities, skills and initiative to do what a guy needs to do to survive around here whether the task at hand is packing a tree stand a half mile up the side of a mountain, guiding an elk hunt, trapping nuisance beavers, cutting 10 cords of firewood in a week or plowing out after 2 feet of snow falls Jacob can handle the job and he has carved out a living here for himself, his wife and his 2 young daughters.
Like me Boone was born to a father who was a houndsman so he has a literal lifetime of experience hunting with dogs. Growing up in Oregon he hunted with his family hounds and eventually moved to Idaho and started a pack of his own. He is also an archery hunter and an all around woodsman. He is a very young man with a great background in mountain hunting that will serve him well as he moves forward with his personal hunting and with his career as a guide.
Born in Eugene Oregon, my parents moved me to the mountains of North Idaho when I was two years old. This is where I would spend the remainder of my younger childhood days, learning to value the simple things in life. We spent our first year on the mountain, living in an old blue canvas tent, while my Dad rustled up material and threw together a stick framed house with log rafters. My youngest childhood memories include being awakened by the sounds of raccoons or skunks stealing our bread and other groceries from the bags at the foot of my bed… Then hiding in the upper loft of our shack, from the Black Bears who would break into our ice box where we stored our meat.
Co-owner, Cook, Secretary, Guide
Molly could probably be best described as the back bone of this operation, she is the first one up in the morning and spends her entire day working behind the scenes to help and provide for all. She has a professional background as a cook and a banker and she takes care of those duties still today but only for our family and company as well as an assortment of other tasks as co-owner of Clark Fork Outfitters including some guiding.
Tyler is a native of northern Idaho who embodies the spirit of our lifestyle around here and true to his roots has worked in the woods as a logger, he still does some logging when he is not working as a guide. He is soft spoken yet confident, optimistic but also realistic, does the very best job he can and is honest about everything. Tyler’s hunting background is primarily deer & elk hunting as well as some spot & stalk bear hunting.
I grew up in Western Washington in a little farm town about 60 miles north of Seattle; Bow, Washington if anyone’s familiar with the area! I was taught at a young age about the benefits of being outside. I spent my childhood and much of my teenage years digging clams, crabbing, oystering, sports fishing and hunting the local game, which included mainly migrating flocks of waterfowl, black-tail deer and black bear. I was engraved with a respect for wildlife and the surrounding wilderness.