One of the most exhilarating things a hunter can do is come face to face with an adult mountain lion and as a natural result a passion for many of us here at Clark Fork Outfitters is hunting mountain lion with hounds. We have a long standing record of success on big cats, most all could qualify for Pope & Young and we have produced Boone & Crockett qualifiers as well. We are in the best region of the country for trophy mountain lion and with thirty years experience hunting lions our expertise is unsurpassed. Not only are we in the best region of the country for hunting trophy lions but our exclusive guiding area is one of the best in the region. A bobcat may be taken incidentally to lion hunting and they are also the best quality available anywhere. We also try to provide the best quality hunt available anywhere, we don’t do 2 hunters per guide on our cat hunts, we don’t even do 1 on 1 hunts, every hunter has 2 guides actively looking for cats for them and there may be more than 2 guides working for you on a cat hunt. Our success rate on cat hunts varies depending on length of hunt. All in all it is very good but also dependent on having tracking snow to work with so having a flexible schedule can help your chances of success a lot, we always give hunters the option to reschedule their hunt should there be a lack of snow in the forecast as we approach your scheduled dates. Although there is no such thing as a true guarantee on a fair chase hunt the 10 day hunt should and always has yielded an opportunity at a good lion and most times a bobcat too.
Photos of cats taken by Clark Fork Outfitters clients. There are pictures of a couple Boone & Crockett tom lions in this gallery as well as many that surpass the Pope & Young minimum along with some of the most beautiful bobcats that can be found anywhere.
Here is a video Dan Staton made on his lion hunt at this link.
Check out this video of Clay Newcomb's lion hunt with Clark Fork Outfitters here.